Pictures of new 8v power output, on my recently built mount power hub

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Hole drilled for RCA connector
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RCA Connector fitted
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12v to 8v regulator with capacitors
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Empty battery case with cable fitted
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Cable to connect to 8v output
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8v Regulator soldered to connector
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All wires soldered
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(Click any image to enlarge)
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Powering my camera
These are details and pictures of the 8v power output fitted to my DIY power mount hub, it uses a 12v to 8v 7808 voltage regulator for stepping down the power, along with two capacitors to stop any spikes in the voltage. i have fused it with an internal fuse holder as i had no external ones free. The internals of the battery were removed and a new wire just soldered to the + and - contacts, the wire then comes from the battery and has a two terminal clip connector so it can be disconnected from the rest of the cable, this cable then ends with an RCA connector to connect to the power hub.